I’m Ninko


Slick POP display is a hanging or wall mount interior decoration. Profile of Ninko is a kawaii inspired design from scene of a comic strip published by Kansept Media


Product Details

Printed on very thick semi-gloss card stock. Displayed as posters, POP art for any interior decorations. Full Colour printed on 24pt display board is tear and water resistance.

Sizes :: 12″ x 12″
Finishing :: Semi Gloss / Grommets are optional
Shipping :: UPS Standard Canada $10 . UPS Standard USA $12 . International* Please ask for Quote

Kansept Media’s POP displays are inspired by simplicity of informative announcement contained in poster designs. In story telling, depicting events which occurred during our character’s on going adventures. Influenced by colours of simple strokes and printings of the east. Meet Ninko here!


is fluid . a progressive motion where there’s no end . an abstract idea or notion that is conceived in the minds . realized in the lab.

Creative Process
Shipping & Handling